
Problem and relevance. The urban system of additional education can objectively be a key factor in the formation of human potential among students of a particular city. But to do this, it is necessary to define specific didactic forms and management models that organize educational activities in the logic of increasing human capital. The purpose of the article: to determine the content-didactic and management tools, in which the sphere of additional education in a modern Russian city will become a factor in the development of human capital and potential. Methodology: application of the key provisions of the cultural and historical approach (L. S. Vygotsky, B. D. Elkonin) and the system–based approach (G. P. Shchedrovitsky, P. G. Shchedrovitsky, Yu. V. Gromyko) to the construction of a model of additional city education as a tool for the development of human capital and potential. Research result: – the mechanisms of influence of the general socio-cultural system of the city on the sphere of additional education are determined; – identified those components of the urban socio-cultural environment that are formed by the sphere of additional education; – content-didactic and managerial tools are described, due to which the urban sphere of additional education becomes a tool for the development of human potential. Conclusion: in order for the urban system of additional education to become a factor of human capital and potential development, it is necessary to use students ‘ solution of open educational tasks in an open situation and forms of independent construction of life strategies as content–didactic tools. As management tools, it is necessary to implement systems of multi–position network interaction of participants in the educational process, competitive selection of educational programs, events and platforms for the development of relevant pedagogical competencies among participants in the educational process.

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