
The Athapaskan languages show a regressive assimilation by which sibilants, including affricates, assimilate to a following sibilant by an alpha palatal ([ + high]) feature. For instance, in Chiricahua Apache,2 nonpalatal sibilants s, z, dz, etc. become s, z, dz, etc. before a palatal sibilant, as illustrated by: (la) ?iI-ts'es-d-i> i-ts'es-dQ' I straighten it (lb) si-h-tsa -+ si-h-tsah you have buried it On the other hand, palatal sibilants s, z, dz, etc. become depalatalized, assimilating to a nonpalatal sibilant that follows, as shown in: (2a) na'-dzi's-bi-na-dzi's-bih he has swum

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