
The 17th century London neuroanatomical school headed by Thomas Willis provided us with the first identifiable images of the sympathetic nervous system. Nineteenth century giants of European physiology (Bernard, Waller and Brown-Sequard) identified these as the ‘pressor nerves’. Von Euler's demonstration that the sympathetic transmitter was noradrenaline brought the field into the modern era. The development of ganglion-blocking drugs by Paton, whose name this review commemorates, allowed comprehensive pharmacological antagonism of this system in patients. With the development of contemporary techniques for recording from human sympathetic nerves and quantifying rates of noradrenaline release, the sympathetic nervous system became accessible to clinical scientists investigating possible contributions to cardiovascular and other diseases. Sympathetic nervous system responses typically are regionally differentiated, with activation in one outflow sometimes accompanying no change or sympathetic inhibition in another. Regional sympathetic activity is best studied in humans by recording from postganglionic sympathetic efferents (multi-unit or single-fibre recording) and by isotope dilution-derived measurement of organ-specific noradrenaline release to plasma from sympathetic nerves (regional ‘noradrenaline spillover’). With the application of these techniques, evidence has been assembled in the past three decades which indicates that sympathetic nervous system activation is crucial in the development of cardiovascular disorders, most notably heart failure and essential hypertension. An important goal for clinical scientists is translation of knowledge of pathophysiology, such as this, into better treatment for patients. The achievement of this ‘mechanisms to management’ transition is mature in cardiac failure, with knowledge of cardiac neural pathophysiology having led to introduction of β-adrenergic blockers, an effective therapy. Perhaps we are now on the cusp of effective translation in patients with essential hypertension, with recent successful testing of selective catheter-based renal sympathetic nerve ablation in patients with resistant hypertension, an intervention firmly based on prior demonstration in them of activation of the renal sympathetic outflow.

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