
Indonesian Batik by UNESCO was designated as the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity since October 2009. The famous Indonesian batik motif from Solo is the Kawung batik motif. One type of batik is stamped batik. In making batik, there is always a clear repetition, so that the image appears repetitive in the same shape. The problem with making stamp batik is the price of expensive batik stamp. Generally, one stamp of batik can only produce one motif. Therefore, the main problem that was solved in this study was how to develop a Solo-Kawung batik motif design that has a uniqueness from one motif in the stamp can produce many patterns of batik without losing the local identity. The values contained in kawung batik are simplicity, regularity, consistency, and mutual cooperation reflected in community life. This problem will be solved by applying the concept of Geometry Analysis with the Symmetry Group Theory which will then be used Geometry Transformation. The Energy Security Concept is Every aspect of development must be environmentally sound while still striving for effectiveness and efficiency. This research was developed and applied in Karanglo Village, Karanganyar Regency as a Batik Mathematics Village. The development of creative industries applied in Karanglo is an industry that originates from the utilization of individual talents to create welfare and employment through the creation and utilization of these creative and creative powers. There are three directions for developing creative industries, namely industries based on creative cultural industries, creative industries and copyright industries with environmental based.

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