
One way to measure quality of care is by measuring satisfaction of provided care among patients and their families. EMpowerment of PArents in THe Intensive Care 30 (EMPATHIC-30) is a self-reported questionnaire grounded on the principles of FCC aiming to measure parents' satisfaction with paediatric intensive care. There is lack of Swedish questionnaires measuring satisfaction with paediatric intensive care based on family-centered care principles. The aim was to translate the instrument EMpowerment of PArents in THe Intensive Care 30 (EMPATHIC-30) into the Swedish language and evaluate psychometrically the Swedish version in a paediatric intensive care context. The instrument EMPATHIC-30 was translated and adapted to Swedish context, thereafter, assessed by expert panels consisting of nurses (panel one; n=4; panel two; n=24) and parents (n=8) with experience in paediatric intensive care. Construct validity, item characteristics and reliability were tested in a cohort of 97 parents whose child had been treated for at least 48 h at two out of four Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICUs) in Sweden. Parents whose child died during hospitalisation were excluded. The Swedish version of EMPATHIC-30 showed an acceptable internal consistency with Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the total scale 0.925. Cronbach's alpha on the domain level varied between 0.548-0.792 with the lowest coefficient in the domain Organisation. Inter-scale correlation revealed acceptable correlations for both subscales (0.440-0.743) and between total scale and subscales (0.623-0.805), which demonstrated good homogeneity for the instrument in its entirety. One problem regarding the domain Organisation and especially the item "It was easy to contact the pediatric intensive care unit by telephone" was revealed, which indicated that the item needs to be reformulated or that the factor structure needs to be further evaluated. The findings from the current study indicated that the Swedish version of EMPATHIC-30 has acceptable psychometric properties and can be used in Swedish PICUs. Using EMPATHIC-30 in clinical practice can give an indication of the overall quality of family-centered care at the PICU.

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