
In recent years the Swedish National Seismic Network (SNSN) made an increased effort to modernize station and communication equipment, and thereby has significantly improved continuous real-time data availability and data quality.  Currently, the SNSN is operating 67 permanent broadband seismic stations evenly distributed in the South, along the Eastern shore and the North of Sweden. In addition, a temporay network of 13 stations was deployed in 2021 for a 3-year period to monitor small earthquakes associated with a linear cluster of events at the Western cost of the Gulf of Bothnia. SNSN transmits continuous real-time data to networks in the neighboring countries (Norway, Denmark, Finland, Germany) and in turn receives and processes data from about 120 stations abroad.Compared to many other countries, Sweden has a relatively low seismicity. This makes it all the more important to focus on small seismic events in order to map crustal structures and processes and to provide a data basis for reasonable long-term seismic hazard assessments. Turning to small events means to deal with many events and most of them being man-made seismic events (blasts related to quarries, underground mines, road/tunnel constructions, etc). Within the last 22 years SNSN has recorded and analyzed about 170,000 seismic events out of which only 11,000 (~6.5%) were classified as natural events. Automatic event processing and event type classification are of the essence in order to cope with the amount of data and to decrease the workload of the analysts.SNSN is running four different and independent automatic processing routines in parallel: SeisComp (SC), Earthworm (EW), MSIL and a migration stack algorithm (MS). The main purpose of SC and EW is to detect and locate events in realtime. Both systems are set up to be very sensitive in order to detect as small events as possible, which on the other side also increases the probability to generate spurious events. To counterbalance that we generate a common event catalogue (i.e. events that were located both by SC as well as EW) which turnes out to be very reliable. The common event bulletin captures events as small as about ML1 and contains almost all events ML > 1.5.  MSIL and MS are running in offline and delayed mode which allows the backfilling of potential data gaps, before processing. These systems are catching events down to about magnitude ML0. All events of the common bulletin and the MSIL bulletin are subject to an automatic Neural Network event typ classification into earthquakes, blasts and mining-induced events. In a final step all events classified as earthquakes, significant blasts (felt events or events of special interest) or events with unclear cassification are reviewed by SNSN analysts and are being made available on the SNSN web page. In the framework of EPOS-Sweden, SNSN will make available the waveform and metadata data of the permanent network via FDSN-services.

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