
The Swedish Cervical Cytology Biobank (SCCB) is the first national initiative of a prospective repository for liquid-based gynecological cell samples (LBC) from women participating in organized cervical cancer screening programs. Development and implementation of a nationally standardized method for the handling and long-term storage of cervical cell samples has been a primary goal for the Swedish hub of The Biobanking and Molecular Resource Infrastructure (BBMRI.se, www.bbmri.se). The sample handling protocol was developed through i) review of the literature on biobanking processes, ii) wide consultation within the academic community, and iii) various verification assays in collaboration with the clinical cytology laboratories. A general quality management system, covering all aspects of sample handling and storage, has been established. BBMRI.se financed the development and implementation of SCCB. The protocol established in the pilot project in Stockholm is now being implemented in other counties in Sweden, and during this year, more than 120,000 LBC samples will be processed for biobanking nationwide. SCCB is embedded in a comprehensive cytology diagnostic registry and will be linked with the national cancer registry to constitute a nearly inexhaustible resource for performance of fundamental and applied biologic research.

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