
This study aimed to determine index and status of upland rice farming sustainability in terms of economic, ecological, socio-cultural, legal and institutional as well as technological and infrastructural dimensions; to identify what attributes are sensitive to upland rice farming sustainability; and to establish the strategy for upland rice farming sustainability in Bangli District of Bali Province. Data analysis was performed using RAP-FARM through Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) method, leverage and prospective analysis. Based on the results, the sustainability index of upland rice farming for ecological (60.21) and socio-cultural dimension (56.98) were categorized as quite sustainable. Meanwhile, for economic (41.53), legal and institutional (27.80), technological and infrastructural dimensions (36.61) were classified as less sustainable. In multidimensional term, index value and sustainability status of upland rice farming were considered as less sustainable (44.63). On the leverage analysis, 15 sensitive attributes of 5 sustainability dimensions were acquired. On the prospective analysis, 6 key variables had a strong effect on the upland rice farming sustainability, namely last five-year government subsidies, inorganic fertilizer usage level, organic fertilizer usage level, straw utilization as organic fertilizer, rice price stability among farmers, and frequency of counseling and training activities. To improve the status of upland rice farming sustainability, efforts should be performed through intervening sensitive attributes and establishing a sustainability strategy.


  • identify what attributes are sensitive to upland rice farming sustainability

  • 6 key variables had a strong effect on the upland rice farming sustainability

  • efforts should be performed through intervening sensitive attributes

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Latar Belakang

Pentingnya padi gogo sebagai sarana upakara mengharuskan masyarakat untuk menjaga kelestarian padi gogo walaupun banyak jenis tanaman dengan nilai ekonomis yang lebih tinggi. Ini terlihat dari data statistik pertanian, luas panen padi gogo pada tahun 2015 di Kabupaten Bangli adalah seluas 112 ha dengan produksi sebesar 254 ton (BPS Kabupaten Bangli, 2018). Jumlah ini mengalami penurunan dibanding tahun 2014 dimana luas panen padi gogo seluas 215 ha dengan produksi 483 ton (BPS Kabupaten Bangli, 2015). Bahkan berdasarkan data tahun 2018 yang dikeluarkan oleh Dinas Pertanian, Ketahanan Pangan dan Perikanan Kabupaten Bangli jumlah luas panen padi gogo di Kabupaten Bangli tersisa hanya seluas 35 ha. Melihat kenyataan dari data yang ada, luas panen padi gogo saat ini di Kabupaten Bangli, khusunya di Desa Tiga sebagai salah satu sentra produksi padi gogo di Provinsi Bali yang cenderung mengalami penurunan dari tahun ke tahun, sehingga keberlanjutan usahatani padi gogo kedepannya dikhawatirkan tidak akan dapat terwujud

Rumusan Masalah
Lokasi dan Waktu Penelitian
Populasi dan Sampel Penelitian
Metode Analisis Data
Status Keberlanjutan
Indeks dan Status Keberlanjutan Usahatani Padi Gogo
Teknologi dan
Analisis Prospektif Keberlanjutan Usahatani Padi Gogo
Kelembagaan Koperasi Tani
Strategi Optimis
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