
IL-7 is critical for murine T and B cell development and survival and plays a significant role in lymphoblastic leukemia in both humans and mice. We evaluated the role of the IL-7Rα Tyr(449) cytoplasmic SH2-binding motif in IL-7-mediated B cell development using a knock-in mouse with a Tyr to Phe mutation (IL-7Rα(449F/449F) mouse). IL-7Rα(449F/449F) and IL-7Rα(-/-) mice showed no defect in the number of pre-pro-B cells, although IL-7Rα(449F/449F) mice had decreased Ebf1 in pre-pro-B cells and impairment in B cell-committed CLPs. We identified that IL-7Rα Tyr(449) was critical for both pro-B and pre-B stages of development in the bone marrow. IL-7Rα(449F/449F) and IL-7Rα(-/-) mice had comparable precursor B cell defects, indicating that signaling from the IL-7Rα required this motif. Although the defect in IL-7Rα(449F/449F) pro-B cells was associated with loss of STAT5 activation and diminished expression of Mcl1, this was not rescued by overexpression of Bcl-2. IL-7Rα(449F/449F) and IL-7Rα(-/-) pre-B cells also showed defective cyto-Igμ and CD25 expression, associated with reduced levels of Rag1, Rag2, and Irf4. Pre-B cells from IL-7Rα(449F/449F) mice also failed to proliferate, perhaps as a result of the failure to rearrange Igμ. Our data suggest that IL-7Rα Tyr(449) was essential for IL-7Rα signaling in bone marrow B cell development and survival.

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