
The title of this book is misleading; only 51 of its 211 pages of text are devoted to the surgical management and 21 pages to nonsurgical management. It is actually a fairly complete textbook on strabismus. The remaining 139 pages indicate clearly the author's other two areas of particular interest, namely, physiology (48 pages) and neurology. Both of these subjects are given in much more detail than one would expect in a book written primarily for residents in ophthalmology. In several instances, eg, accommodative convergence and meter angle, it may defeat his objective by getting too involved. His Classification of Motor Anomalies, unusual in that it occupies 26 pages, is primarily on a neurological basis. This may bother some because its etiological implications are unfamiliar to many. Diagnosis, signs, and even treatment are included under Classification. In keeping with the emphasis on neurology, the nonsurgical management starts with acquired paralysis;

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