
Objectives:To understand the surgeon’s role in inducing and correcting movement inaccuracies during intraocular membrane peeling procedures.Materials and Methods:Optical sensors were used to record movement errors during actuation at the distal tip of 23-gauge pneumatic forceps both when the handle was handheld and when fixed with no human contact. Movements were also recorded at the proximal part of the forceps shaft (near the sclerotomy site) and compared to movement recorded at the distal end. The root mean square (RMS) and range values of the signals obtained from the sensors were calculated before and after applying high (7-13 Hz) and low (<5 Hz) frequency filters.Results:Comparison of RMS and range values of movement errors at the distal end of the forceps during actuation when the forceps handle was fixed and handheld showed that without human contact, these values were significantly lower in the X axis at all frequencies and in the Z axis at high frequencies compared to handheld (p<0.05), while there were no significant differences in the Y axis. Comparison of values from the distal and proximal ends of the forceps showed that when the forceps were fixed, RMS and range values were significantly higher for movement errors at the distal end compared to the proximal end at all frequencies (p<0.05). There was significant positive correlation between the extent of actuation and the RMS and range values for high-frequency movement errors but not low-frequency errors in all three axes with the fixed pneumatic handle (r=0.21-0.51, p<0.05).Conclusion:Surgeon- and non-surgeon-related errors are apparent in all axes, but skilled surgeons correct these errors through visual feedback, resulting in better correction in the visible planes. Sclerotomy sites provide a pivoting and stabilizing point for the shaft of the forceps and it is likely that skilled surgeons make use of the sclerotomy point to dampen motion errors, a skill worth teaching to beginners.

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