
The chief feature of the pa per is the study of. the composite structure of the surface wind field in severe cyclonic storms in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea by analysis of ships' reports received from the storm field, The storm field has been divided into octants, with respect to the direction of movement of the storm and from available ships' reports in the fields of alls3vere cyclonic storms in the Indian Seas during the period 1925-54, the variation of total tangential and radial velocities with distance from centre in each octant analysed. From these, composite pictures giving the total, tangential and radial wind field have been constructed. The mean fields of incurvature, divergence and vorticity have been obtained from the above and discussed. Precipitation associated with the above wind field has also been computed, Rainfall associated with individual storms has also been analysed and compared with computed values.
 In the initial paragraphs, the distribution of pressure in the storm field and Dear the centre of storm has been analysed and discussed. The distribution of free air temperature and sea surface temperature has also been studied for a few storms for which data were available.

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