
An investigation of the radial growth of jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) defoliated by the Swaine jack-pine sawfly (Neodiprion swainei Midd.) disclosed that growth rings were discontinuous and missing in cross-sectional disks from severely damaged trees. In young and open-grown trees with dead tops, the incidence of such deficiencies in radial growth was especially high in disks from upper regions of the stems, in the vicinity of the dead tops; radial growth was suspended for 1 year and subsequently resumed in disks from the lower regions of some stems. Cambial inactivity was more generalized in trees from an old and dense stand and it was detected in disks representing major portions of some of the stems sampled; the death of some trees followed 2 to 6 years of cambial inactivity in disks cut at various heights along their entire stems. Growth deficiencies in the young stand were clearly effects of severe sawfly defoliation. Data from the old, dense stand indicated that sawfly defoliation had perhaps merely hastened the gradual deterioration of the stand in which intertree competition was intense.

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