
THE reddish circle round the sun, which I suppose must be considered as a kind of very large corona, alluded to by E. Divers of Tokio (NATURE, vol. xxix. p. 283), G. F. Burder (p. 525), and other observers, was invariably visible here, when circumstances favoured, from November 1883 up to April 3. In the middle of that day, and of the 4th, though circumstances seemed favourable for seeing it, no tinge of red was perceptible; but it was visible late in the afternoon of the 4th. Since then it has become more visible again, and from April 21 has been very plain, though not so conspicuous as it was originally. It is red in the middle of the day, and brown towards sunset, the bright space between it and the sun being blue or greenish.

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