
Supply chain management is now widely used in business, especially in the manufacturing sector. The same principles being applied to the construction industry demonstrates how pervasive and persistent issues are. Since building materials are essential to the construction industry and are used in all types of projects, regardless of the client's original concept, the significance of this study is on the manufacturing of building materials. Although supply chain management appears to be a complicated system comprising numerous vendors, contractors, and subcontractors, it holds great promise for achieving the successful integration of different disciplines and stakeholders. The supply chain management for building materials is being examined using a quantitative methodology. The capability of procurement to allocate resources in a way that supports organizational dynamics and policy. As a result, the greatest mean value (4.37), which represents the range of the variables, best captures the individuality of construction projects (the construction of each project is different in size, resources, and implementation on method). The respondents all agreed that the range of factors influencing supply chain management, which has the highest mean of these features, is what makes construction projects unique. An inadequate organizational structure came in third with a mean of 4.30, trailing only the absence of an acceptable information technology system, which came in second with a mean of 4.36. As a result, supply chain management and procurement is a hotly debated subject for raising performance and quality. Several companies or organizations need the computer-based system to test the most recent supply chain management techniques as part of future research. A technique for the effective and efficient control and monitoring of the purchasing function is procurement that buys performance.

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