
Spinning Kerr black holes are known to be superradiantly unstable to massive scalar perturbations. We here prove that the instability regime of the composed Kerr-black-hole-massive-scalar-field system is bounded from above by the dimensionless inequality $M\mu < m \cdot \sqrt{{{2(1+\gamma) (1-\sqrt{1-\gamma^2}) - \gamma^2} \over {4\gamma^2}}}$, where $\{\mu,m\}$ are respectively the proper mass and azimuthal harmonic index of the scalar field and $\gamma\equiv r_-/r_+$ is the dimensionless ratio between the horizon radii of the black hole. It is further shown that this {\it analytically} derived upper bound on the superradiant instability regime of the spinning Kerr black hole agrees with recent {\it numerical} computations of the instability resonance spectrum.

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