
At the Munich 13 MV-Tandem Laboratory the TRITRON is under development, which will be the prototype of a superconducting separated orbit cyclotron for acceleration of heavy ions with 0.04 < i 0.14 and 0.1 0.3. It consists of 12 flat, superconducting sector magnets with 20 neighbouring channels for the spiral-orbit (rin = 70 cm, re, = 150 cm). Due to the individual magnetic channels the transversal and longitudinal focusing properties are as in synchrotrons. The constant turn separation of Ar = 4 cm requires a maximum accelerating voltage of 3 MV per turn, which will be provided by 6 superconducting cavities positioned in each second field free sector gap (see contribution of L. Dietl). Due to the longitudinal focusing the RFfrequency (-170 MHz) may be a high harmonic (h 2 20) of the revolution frequency. Thus the frequency range for acceleration of ions with different revolution frequency can be kept small (+3 %). The magnets as well as the cavities are contained in the same cavity.

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