
Sunflower is an important oilseed crop in which the biochemical pathways leading to seed oil synthesis and accumulation have been widely studied. However, how these pathways are regulated is less well understood. The WRINKLED1 (WRI1) transcription factor is considered a key regulator in the control of triacylglycerol biosynthesis, acting through the AW box binding element (CNTNG(N)7CG). Here, we identified the sunflower WRI1 gene and characterized its activity in electrophoretic mobility shift assays. We studied its role as a co-regulator of sunflower genes involved in plastidial fatty acid synthesis. Sunflower WRI1-targets included genes encoding the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, the α-CT and BCCP genes, genes encoding ACPs and the fatty acid synthase complex, together with the FATA1 gene. As such, sunflower WRI1 regulates genes involved in seed plastidial fatty acid biosynthesis in a coordinated manner, establishing a WRI1 push and pull strategy that drives oleic acid synthesis for its export into the cytosol. We also determined the base bias at the N positions in the active sunflower AW box motif. The sunflower AW box is sequence-sensitive at the non-conserved positions, enabling WRI1-binding. Moreover, sunflower WRI1 could bind to a non-canonical AW-box motif, opening the possibility of searching for new target genes.

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