
Kingdom Stramenopila; Phylum Oomycota; Class Oomycetes; Order Peronosporales; Family Peronosporaceae; Genus Plasmopara; Species Plasmopara halstedii. Sunflower seedling damping off, dwarfing of the plant, bleaching of leaves, starting from veins, and visible white sporulation, initially on the lower side of cotyledons and leaves. Plasmopara halstedii infection may severely impact sunflower seed yield. In spring, germination of overwintered sexual oospores leads to sunflower root infection. Intercellular hyphae are responsible for systemic plant colonization and the induction of disease symptoms. Under humid and fresh conditions, dissemination structures are produced by the pathogen on all plant organs to release asexual zoosporangia. These zoosporangia play an important role in pathogen dissemination, as they release motile zoospores that are responsible for leaf infections on neighbouring plants. Disease control is obtained by both chemical seed treatment (mefenoxam) and the deployment of dominant major resistance genes, denoted Pl. However, the pathogen has developed fungicide resistance and has overcome some plant resistance genes. Research for more sustainable strategies based on the identification of the molecular basis of the interaction are in progress. http://www.heliagene.org/HP, http://lipm-helianthus.toulouse.inra.fr/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=start, https://www.heliagene.org/PlasmoparaSpecies (soon available).

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