
Human rights and political freedoms are very important in a society, and lies at the nerve of history and political thought of democratic societies. Political freedom can be explained from the realms of being free from both oppression and coercion in the participation of a country's political progress. Political freedom encompasses the freedom of the majority of citizens to influence and guide a political course as well as the freedom of minority groups to voice their concerns. Increasing research has shed light on how freedom is denied in Alan Moore's comic book, 'V for Vendetta.’ Alan Moore, in his book, depicts a society caught in the undertow of anarchism, fascism, and the oppressive regime under the iron fist of the Norsefire government. Little attention has been paid to compare ‘V for Vendetta’ to world’s oppressive political systems. In fiction work, reality leaves a lot to imagination. However, literature always mirror the society, both at present and future. Most fictions works written at different chronological accounts always come alive at one point in time. There is a lot of similarity between the society in ‘V for Vendetta’ and that of today. Themes such as fascism, sexual abuse, dictatorship, media political propaganda, oppression and anarchy in Alan Moore’s comic have for the past, and even now, been witnessed in the society today.

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