
The subgrid scale estimation procedure provides an estimate of unfiltered quantities appearing in the definitions of the subgrid-scale tensors and consists of two steps. In the deconvolution step an approximate inversion of the filtering operation is performed. Subsequently, the nonlinear step is used to generate a range of subgrid scales on a mesh two times smaller than the mesh employed for a discretization of the resolved quantities. The subgrid scale stresses are then computed directly from the definitions using the estimated fields. The modeling procedure is described and evaluated by comparing results of large eddy simulations of turbulent channel flow with the corresponding results of direct numerical simulations and experiments.KeywordsLarge Eddy SimulationSubgrid ScaleTurbulent Channel FlowCompressible TurbulenceReynolds Number CaseThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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