
Shandong is a coastal city with good location advantages. As a hub port for international trade goods and a port of transhipment, shandong's demand for multimodal transport is more urgent. By selecting the suitable non-water port and the multimodal transport carrier to improve the efficiency of multimodal transport, the purpose of saving the time of logistics is achieved, thus reducing the logistics cost.It branch out through Shandongt, and it can reach the central region of China, can reach the Western remote area ,too. This paper puts forward the optimization scheme of the business process of container multimodal transport. The optimization of freight forwarding business process is analyzed. The multimodal transport model in Shandong was designed. Finally, the optimal approach of multimodal transport in Shandong is put forward.


  • The container multimodal transport is an advanced form of transport organization in comprehensive cargo transport

  • The socalled "organic combination of different modes of transport" is the focus of the integrated freight transport system, which effectively connects the different modes of transport through containers, so that the whole process can be integrated through containers, realize the efficiency and integrity of the transport products, and form a truly comprehensive cargo

  • The Shandong region is slower than the sea rail transport, but the development potential is greater

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The container multimodal transport is an advanced form of transport organization in comprehensive cargo transport. It is organized in the form of a container as a transport unit, combining the different modes of transport with units to form a continuous and comprehensive integrated transport of goods. The socalled "organic combination of different modes of transport" is the focus of the integrated freight transport system, which effectively connects the different modes of transport through containers, so that the whole process can be integrated through containers, realize the efficiency and integrity of the transport products, and form a truly comprehensive cargo. Container multimodal transport is the key to solve the bottleneck of China's comprehensive transport services. The state has put forward the "Belt and Road" and other policy support, Container multimodal transport has received unprecedented attention and has become the trend of logistics industry development in our country

Container multimodal transport business process in Shandong
Business process optimization of freight forwarders
Design of multimodal transport mode in Shandong area
Optimization ways of multimodal transport in Shandong area
Establish multimodal transport information platform
Vigorously develop the freight forwarding agent
Improve the level of multimodal transport of container
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