
Korea's agricultural land is constantly being reduced. The reasons for this are due to the change of agricultural profitability and the policy conditions. The reduction of agricultural land in 2010 showed a decline trend by 14.4 % of paddy fields and 1.2% of uplands compared to areas from 2000. These reductions were mainly due to switch rice paddy fields into upland or greenhouse facility cultivation because of low profitability of rice products compared to farm products. In addition, the permit system of agricultural areas was relaxed in switching paddy fields and this accelerated the reduction of agricultural land. For this reason, more than 1% of agricultural land area has been reduced every year for last five years. Moreover, indiscreet fill and cover materials such as construction wastes were used in agricultural lands and caused land contamination which threatened foundation as sustainable agricultural lands. For these reasons, it is a desperate situation to conserve good agricultural lands. However, the standards of transported soils, filling soils and cutting soils in the Agricultural Land Act are qualitative and have a problem of causing complaints. Therefore, the following criteria (proposals) are proposed in the Agricultural Land Act; (1) Use the proper soils for crops (criterion), (2) Soil components and amounts should be proper as transported soils (range), and (3) Prohibiting usage of improper earth rocks or recycled aggregates in case of filling soils (kinds). The presented criteria (proposals) suggest following; (1) Use physio-chemically proper soils for crops (criterion), (2) In case of transported soils, i, exclude potential acid sulphate soils, ii, gravel content sould be less than 15%, and iii, Heavy metals and other contaminants should be less than the soil contamination warning limit from the Ministry of Environments, (3) In case of filling soils, 13 kinds of recycled wastes specified in the Wastes Control Act should not be used as filling soils, (4) Practice soil conservation technology in case of sloping areas, and (5) Follow proper fertilizer application standards for maturing paddy fields and uplands when cutting soils.

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