
Poverty alleviation has been one of important work related to people's livelihood. Through analysis of achievements and problems of Heilongjiang alleviation. This article puts forward concrete ideas and measures to improve work to achieve for Heilongjiang province government related part of its decision to provide reference. At same time it hopes to be able to achieve effect of point to area in order to provide reference for other provinces to improve effect of alleviation work. Index Terms Poverty Alleviation, Industrial Poverty Alleviation, Regulatory Capital 1. The Achievements of Poverty Alleviation Work in Heilongjiang Province Entering new century. According to national deployment, Heilongjiang province has established the heilongjiang province rural alleviation and development program (2001-2010)”, explicitly proposed soon as possible to solve poor food and clothing, eliminating absolute poverty goals, and confirmed One plan, two years of implementation, village-by-village acceptance, partial advance of whole village to promote alleviation and development strategy[1]. Ten years after province's poor areas cadres and masses, joint efforts of alleviation and development has made some progress. In 2013, province has invested financial alleviation fund 808.58 million yuan[2]. Through implementation of continuous destitute areas in crucial for alleviation, whole village to promote, industry for alleviation, poor labor training, construction of old revolutionary base areas and so on. The province has a total of 120000 rural population got rid of poverty[3]. The implementation of whole village advancement, per capita net income of farmers reached 4,095 yuan in impoverished village[4]. Therefore, successful completion of tasks throughout year. A. To Organize Formulation of Province Area Planning and Industry Planning for Poverty Alleviation According to State Council approved greater hinggan mountains in our province of south mountain shall destitute areas planning. On basis of 11 district planning at county level, our province has completed poor area implementation planning and industrial planning for alleviation and reported to state for record. B. The Implementation of Poverty Alleviation and Development of Whole Village Advancement The Twelfth Five Year Plan first batch of (20122013) poor villages last year to promote work of. Issued whole village advancement fund project 30,370 million Yuan. Integration of industry sector funds more than 1billion Yuan, village is more than 2,000,000 Yuan of investment. Implementation of industrial income, infrastructure, living environment and ecological construction, social construction projects directly support 51,000 poor households, benefiting 273,000 household.Promote industrial restructuring poor villages, improving production and living conditions of poor people, poor villages whole village per capita income of 4,095 Yuan, an increase of 21% compared to 2012. Successful completion of five first task of whole village, to achieve target of 12 million people out of poverty. C. Carry Out Industrial Poverty In whole village as a platform to establish cooperative economic organizations of farmers, promoting new breakthroughs on land transfer and industrial development in poor villages. To provide a guarantee for realization of increasing income of poor farmers. Built 30 farming cooperatives, bought 160 (sets) of large agricultural machinery, supported poor households to introduction of new varieties of 193.3 tons of grain crops, planted grapes, strawberries and other specialty crops 13,452 acres, built 337,000 square meters of plastic greenhouses, energy greenhouse 22,200 square meters and constructed 2 animal husbandry and technical service stations, raising house of 38,544 square meters . D. Deepening Poverty Labor Force Training This year, province invested rain plan pro-poor training funds 8,891,100 Yuan, of which, carry out 2,000 training classes in 500 poor villages,, training 17,900 farmers, covering 57,000 workforce; poor families attending vocational education funding grants 3615 people. Use national rain plan pilot funds 1,630,500 Yuan to subsidize students of 1,087

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