
In recent years, the price of oil has been soaring. As an alternative energy, natural gas could well be the main energy of the future development. Next twenty years will be the age of rapid natural gas growing. It has been predicted that China will be one of the largest global natural gas consumers. Twenty-five percent of country’s total natural gas consumption was imported. However, China is unable to be self-sufficient in natural gas resources in last ten years. So it is necessary to depend on imports to meet the rapid rise in natural gas demand. There are two main channels to import natural gas: pipeline transportation and ship-loading liquefied natural gas. Due to the limitation of pipeline transportation, ship-loading LNG will be China’s major import channel in the future. LNG is irreplaceable, wide-used, clean and low-carbon. With continued progress in mining technique and the discoveries of unconventional energy, the available natural gas resources in China will be increasingly rich; this enables sustainable development in energy. The introduction and innovation of liquefaction technique and the localization of LNG technique will improve the embarrassing dependence on imported process technology and supply strong technique support for the development of LNG. Domestic liquefied natural gas plants’ out-put is expected to exceed 7.5 million tons per year. As the key measure to reduce PM 2.5 emission, LNG will gradually replace oil as a new-generation car fuel and become the new surpass the old-timer. With the implementation of LNG terminal project, the reception capacity will gradually increase. It is predicted that the reception capacity of China will reach about 65 million tons per year in 2015. Based on the present data, the utilization and promotion of LNG will explosively grow. This article is concerned with the following topics: utilization of LNG, the future of LNG, and some related problems and suggestions regarding LNG.

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