
In order to find the relation of the diseases of nose and pharynx to V.A metabolism, the quantities of V. A in the blood of 108 patients (including 34 children) were measured and comparing them with those of 22 healthy adults and those of 17 healthy children the following result was obtained:The average value of V.A in the blood of the patients of atrpphio rhinitis was 122.5±10.71I.U. and that of thoase of chronic sinuitis maxillaris 138.7±5.84I.U. These values were lower than 158.2±4.60I.U. of the healthy adults and the tendency was more significant in the group of the patients of atrophic rhinitis.By the fact that, after the operation of chronic sinuitis maxillaris, the rise of V. A quantity was not always apparent and through the observation of referential literatures it was presumable that at least some of the disease had a certain relation original in its cause.The average V.A value of the patients of palatine tonsillar lrypertrophy was found to be 112.4±6.69I.U. and that of those of adenoi d 116.3±12.96I.U. and it was noted that these values were not much different from 128.1±7.12I.U. of thehe althy children. The average V.A value of the group of the patients of simple chronic tonsillitis was 182.3±7.07I.U. (161.4±10.84I.U. for children), which were sensibly high compared with thos eof the healthy adults and children, respectively. In the group of the patients of tonsillar focal infection it wasp resumable that these patients were in a conditioe likely liable to the affection of a secondary disease. The patients of low fever (119.0±4.52I.U.) and articular rheumatism (122.2±9.32I.U.) had an average value sensibly lower and those of heart troubles (152.9±7.14I.U.) had an average value apparently lower than that of the healthy adults. In the patients of chronic nephritis (222.2±12.69I.U.) only howevera high a verage value of V.A was recognized as an exception.Looking at the group distribution of various patients whose average V.A value was lower than the normal, comparing with 23.6% in the healthy children, 46.6% among the patients of chronic tonsillitis and 40% among the patient with adenoid vegetation. On the other hand, in the case of the adult patients of chronic tonsillitis it was not found so in the group of the patients of simple chronic tonsillitis, but there were 29% in the group of the patients of tonsillar focal infection only. High values above 150I.U., however, compared with 67.7% in contrast, it was as high as 80% in the group of the patients of chronic tonsillitis, and in the group of those of focal infections, with an exception of 85.7% for those of chronic nephritis, 50% for heart troubles, 12.5% for articular rheumatism and 0% for low fever, respectively.In the cases of palatine tonsillar hypertrogslry and adenoid vegetation of children, no clear correlation was found between the value of V.A quantity in the blood and the degree of nuturition appraised by means of the measurement of the upper arm circumference.

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