
Due to the increased level of background concentrations of pollutants in the urban air environment caused by the environmental factors and increasing annually to a greater extent due to the anthropogenic processes such as industry, transport, housing and communal services, the atmospheric air of the urban environment needs protection. One of the main environmental factors that negatively affects air, and, as a result, the environmental objects, are the solid particles (dust). The article discusses the laws of the adhesion process of the particulate matter contained in air to the buildings and structures’ vertical surfaces, which are made of various building materials. Based on the experimental studies, the regression dependencies were obtained for calculating the values of sticking and removal of solid particles on various vertical surfaces from the random determining factors. The formulas for determining the annual, seasonal, and other dust pollution of vertical surfaces made of construction and finishing materials most typical for the urban environment, are obtained; on the basis of which the methods and a program for calculating current pollution, as well as forecasting dust pollution of the buildings and structures’ vertical surfaces, located in an urban environment, have been developed. Thus, the conducted studies contribute to the solution of a number of problems related to improving the environmental safety of construction and urban economy.

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