
In this study, the effects of free carriers trap on the recombination mechanism through the localized states in gallium antimonide (GaSb) is investigated through the simulation of excess carrier traps corresponding to the non-radiative recombination mechanism. Fist, the trapping effects (the ratio of the concentration of trapped carriers to the corresponding concentration of free carriers) is described as a function localized state energy at room and different temperatures inside the sample. Then, the radiative, Auger and Shockley-Read-Hall recombination mechanisms are compute using the relations describing the lifetimes of the excess majority and minority carriers in the band gap of semiconductor(GaSb). Finally, the temperature dependence of the radiative, Auger and Shockley-Read-Hall excess carrier lifetimes in the localized regions are investigated by considering the variation of localized energy positions. Since trap is indirectly related to the temperature, the description of the trapping effect as functions of localized state energies is found to be the important. The analysis of the results also shows that, the under localized regions are divided in to five based on the interaction of localized state energy with the conduction band energy or the valance band energy and decreases with temperature. The trap in shallow levels (donor and acceptor regions) tends to zero and deep levels are dominated at high temperature. The Auger lifetime is dominated than the other (radiative and Shockley-Read-Hall) lifetimes for the sample semiconductor (GaSb). The temperature affects both majority and minority carriers trap and their lifetimes in the three recombination mechanisms as functions of the localized state energies and the Auger lifetime is dominated in the semiconductor gallium antimonide sample. Keywords: Free Carriers Trap, localized States, Shockley-Read-Hall, Auger band-to-band recombination DOI : 10.7176/JNSR/9-5-03 Publication date :March 31 st 2019

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