
Heart rate of crayfish species Astacus leptodactylus (Esch.) was measured continually in the real-time regime during 2 months. Measurements were carried out with non-invasive fiber optic method under laboratory conditions and under factory conditions during the bioindication of the Neva river water quality at the waterworks intake of the water supply station. The effect of light intensity and feeding conditions changes on the crayfish heart rate is studied at 2 temperature values. It is shown that after the acclimation period of crayfish species Astacus leptodactylus a marked circadian rhythm is settled, it has bimodal formation that is connected with the artificial lighting regime «day — night». It is established that 1.5-hour shifts in the lighting regime, feeding and temperature rise from 10 to 18 °С don’t affect circadian periodicity of the rhythm. In this temperature range the temperature value affects only amplitude characteristics of the heart rate rhythm. Feeding causes the short-term rise of the heart rate, that doesn’t impact on the heart rate dynamics of an animal during next 24-hour period. Refs 28. Figs 3. Tables 1.

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