
The purpose of the article is to study and systematize previously unpublished materials of the newspapers of Western Siberia by A.A. Dunin–Gorkavich concerning the ethnography of the North of the Tobolsk province. The object of the article is the scientific heritage of A.A. Dunin-Gorkavich, dedicated to the composition, settlement, cultural and everyday features, material and spiritual culture of the indigenous population of the Tobolsk North at the beginning of the XX century. The relevance of the work lies in the choice of the source base – materials of the famous scientist and local historian A.A. Dunin-Gorkavich, published in local periodicals of Western Siberia. The basis of the work is the principle of historicism, integrity, objectivity, comprehensiveness. Both general scientific and traditional methods are used: systemic, historical-comparative, problem-historical, structural-functional. The fundamental work "Tobolsk North" is still one of the valuable sources for studying the life of the peoples of Siberia. Residents of Berezovsky and Surgut counties were at a low stage of cultural and economic development. To solve this problem, drastic changes proposed by A.A. Dunin-Gorkavich were required. For more mass circulation and readership, the scientist published many of his innovative ideas on the pages of the Siberian Leaflet, the Siberian Trade Newspaper and the Tobolsk Provincial Gazette. Publication in newspapers with the help of feedback (criticism, reviews, responses) allowed to build a constructive dialogue with progressive public figures, intellectuals, representatives of the bureaucracy. Such a return contributed to the development of a single set of measures and a partial solution to some of the difficulties of foreigners.

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