
The tourism industry has not only contributed only to the tourism revenue but also it has supported other diverse sectors, too such as horticulture, handicrafts, agriculture, construction and even poultry. Investments in tourism infrastructure development of India contributes not alone to the tourism but to the civic infrastructure also. It might include provision of road side amenities, tourist information bureaus and tourist information providing websites. India as a tourist spot is rising but its growth is comparatively very slow as compared to rest of the countries. Managerial planning, proper advertising, cleanliness, hygiene and infrastructure are some culprits responsible for slow growth of tourism sector. Though, India has a lot of attraction like culture, history, architecture, food, warm people, scenic beauty, temples, festivals, colours but the negative points overshadow the positives. The present paper gives some important suggestive areas for boosting tourism sector in India. It is recommended that training, capacity building and sensitization specific to different categories of service providers should be carried out as part of 'tourism awareness programs'. Special efforts should be made to reach out to the local communities through awareness campaigns and workshops to better inform local bodies, parents, teachers, citizen's groups and individuals seeking gainful employment.

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