
This research aims to describe the chronologies of land conflicts of mining activities in the forest (Borrow- to- Use Permit for Forest Area of PT. Mahligai Artha Sejahtera), identify the dominant factors that cause conflict, and provide an overview of conflict resolution efforts. This research was conducted by collecting information from the public, the permit holder, in this case, PT. Mahligai Artha Sejahtera and related parties. This research was a qualitative descriptive method in terms of subject and history study and facts of the field. The data of this research was collected from August to October 2020. Based on the decree of the Minister of Forestry and Plantation No. SK.757 / Kpts-II/ 1999 on September 23, about the designation map of Forest and Territorial Waters in Central Sulawesi Province, the land location of Buleleng communities was an area for other use but in 2013 (No. SK.635 / Menhut-II / 2013 on September 24, 2013) and 2014 (SK.869 / Menhut-II / 2014 on September 29, 2014) turned into Forest Areas. However, PT Mahligai Artha Sejahtera has an approval license, an environmental feasibility license, an Increase Exploration Mining Business to a Production Operation Mining Business License, and a borrow-to-use permit from the local Government and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. The function change of the areas in Buleleng village has resulted in conflicts. It is necessary to resolve land disputes by revising the RTRWP/K and establishing forests. Keywords: Conflict, the Function Change of Areas, Land Conflict, Mining Activities, Forest Areas.

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