
15 sites with saline soils have been identified and described in the Penza Region. Only 2 of them have a status of a nature sanctuary. They are the Solontsovaya Steppe in the Luninsky District and the Danilovskaya Solontsovaya Polyana in the Maloserdobinsky District. The other 13 sites are proposed to be included in the existing system of specially protected natural territories of the Penza Region as nature sanctuaries. They are Zhmakinsky Solonetz, Kaysarovsky Solonetz (Kolyshley District); Litvinovsky Solonetz (Lopatinsky District); Chunak Solontsovaya Glade, Korzovaya Hollow (Maloserdobinsky District); Kellerovsky Solonetz, Mansurovsky Solonetz, Karnovarsky Solonetz (Neverkinsky District); Olshansky Solonetz, Andreevsky Solonetz, Vasilyevsky Solonetz (Penza District); Serdobsky Solonetz, Krasny Solonetz (Serdobsky District). We provide the following data for each site. This is the history of discovery (dates, researches), location, belonging to the basins of large rivers, approximate area, information about economic use in the past and the degree of anthropogenic disturbances, the characteristics of the relief and soil. The main attention is paid to the description of the nature of the distribution of halophilic vegetation, depending on the degree of salinity and soil moisture. Data on the steppes vegetation, meadows and swamps found in the described sites are also given. Dominant and rare species of vascular plants (in The Red Book of the Penza Region) are listed.


  • The yield of sunflower and winter wheat largely depended on the amount of precipitation during the critical growing season of each agricultural crop

  • In 2014–2017 the yield of winter wheat in agrocenoses using direct sowing technology increased by 26–114%, sunflower by 27–92% compared with the traditional technology

  • The authors show that direct seeding compared to traditional technology of dump plowing contributes to saving motor fuel, increasing crop yields and lowering the cost of the main crops of the Rostov Region: winter wheat and sunflower

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Растительность тоже носит выраженный комплексный характер в связи с выраженным микрорельефом: на наиболее повышенных и засоленных элементах образуются полукустарничковые (Artemisia santonica L.) и многолетнеразнотравные галофитные степи (Galatella linosyris (L.) Rchb. F., Limonium donetzicum Klokov), а на пониженных и менее засоленных – дерновиннозлаковые (Puccinellia distans (Jacq.) Parl.) и многолетнеразнотравные (Taraxacum bessarabicum (Hornem.) Hand.-Mazz.) галофитные луга с участием Silaum silaus (L.) Schinz et Thell.

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