
ALTHOUGH much has already been done for the investigation of earthquakes, it must be admitted that yet more remains to be done, and that we are very far from what might be considered as a scientifically organised system of observations of earthquakes. Therefore all lovers of science will be much pleased to see that the sixty-first meeting of Swiss Naturalists, which was held in 1878 at Bern, appointed a special commission for the study of this important subject. The Commission, which consisted of Prof. Forster, of Bern, as president, Prof. Albert Heim, of Zurich, as secretary, Professors Amsler, of Schaffhausen, Forel, of Merges, Hagenbach, of Basel, Soret, of Geneva, and M. Billwiller, Director of the Statistical Board of Zurich, chose the telluric Observatory at Bern as its central board, and, after having put itself into communication with foreign observers, it began with the elaboration of a scheme for the organisation of a wide system of Observations on earthquakes in Switzerland.

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