
The inter-stand tension inferential control systems are used to stabilize the rolling motor torque. To stabilize the motor torque the electric drive system with the properties of the rolling motor torque supply may also be used. An alternate option may include torque stabilization by to the effect on speed of the previous, further or controlled mill stand. The tension control accuracy depends on how exact the unhindered rolling torque is determined. Nevertheless, a change in tension due to this factor may result in improving gauge accuracy in some systems. Using the model of the continuous rolling mill, the paper considers the force interaction between the stand electric drives for different technological conditions of rolling. It analyses the operation of the rolling mill using different system for tension inferential control. The finished studies prove that size alignment is provided with the tension control system affecting speed of the further stands. The paper verifies that the characteristics of the rolling mill including aligning ability depend on the rolling speed. It is a good practice to apply those results during the selection and calculation of the inferential tension controllers.

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