
The work is devoted to the study of the reactivity of the biochemical composition of saliva in children with SCI, which was used for the treatment of non-removable and removable OA. There was a decrease in the activity of the α-amylase enzyme during orthodontic treatment in both experimental groups: in patients in the experimental group, which used non-removable equipment 3 months after starting treatment at 16.5% and 6 months after starting treatment it was 16%. There was a decrease in the activity of saliva α-amylase after 3 months at 11% and in samples of saliva taken after 6 months at 10% during treatment of patients of the experimental group with removable orthodontic equipment. The total calcium level after 3 months of observation was 15% lower compared to the start of treatment. The phosphorus level was 9% lower at this moment of observation. After 6 months of observation, the trace elements were different from the original ones: calcium was 27% lower, and the level of phosphorus was lower comparing to the baseline by 15%. Treatment of SCI with removable orthodontic equipment impaired the mineral balance: the calcium level after 3 months of observation was lower by 12%, and the level of phosphorus was lower by 6% compared to the beginning of the study. After 6 months of observation, the traced elements differed from the original ones: the level of calcium was 21% lower than the previous values, and the level of phosphorus was lower by 13% compared to the start of treatment. The evaluation of alkaline phosphatase activity in mixed unstimulated saliva using non-removable orthodontic equipment showed that the level of alkaline phosphatase after 3 months of treatment was 3% lower compared to the beginning of treatment, and after 6 months of observation activity of the investigated enzyme was less than the initial by 10%. Treatment of dental anomalies with removable equipment inhibited the enzyme activity: after 3 months of treatment, the activity of alkaline phosphatase was less than 7% compared to the beginning of the study, and after 6 months of observation activity of the investigated enzyme differed from the initial by 20%. The use of non-removable orthodontic equipment led to a significant increase in the activity of IL-1β. Three months after starting the study, IL-1β was 4-fold higher compared to the start of treatment, and after 6 months of treatment, it became 9-fold higher. Treatment of dental abnormalities with removable equipment showed that the activity of IL-1β after 3 months of treatment increased 4-fold, and after 6 months of observation the researched index was different from the initial 9-fold.
 At the 3rd month of observation in children using non-removable OA, the activity of lysozyme decreased by 21%; reduction of lysozyme activity during the 6th month of treatment constituted 23%. Patients in the experimental group treated with detachable OA observed an increase in lysozyme activity at the 3rd month of observation by 27%, and 6 months after the start of treatment, the activity of lysozyme was less than 29% compared to the data of the 3rd month of the use of non-removable orthodontic equipment it led to a significant increase in the level of anti-inflammatory cytokine: after 3 months of observation was 2.5 times more than at the beginning of treatment, and after 6 months of observation, they differed from the initial in 4 times. Treatment of dental anomalies with removable orthodontic equipment also contributed to an increase in anti-inflammatory cytokine: IL-4 levels were higher after 3 months of treatment compared to baseline data by 1,8, and after 6 months of follow-up, the study figure was in 4 times higher than the previous values.
 The obtained results of the study of the reactivity of biochemical changes in oral fluid using removable and non-removable OA in children can be used in planning of orthodontic treatment as diagnostic markers for the further selection of tactics and assessment of the oral cavity in children on the background of treatment of JFA by removable and non-removable OA.


  • Мета дослідження – вивчити реактивність біохімічного складу ротової рідини за використання незнімної та знімної ортодонтичної апаратури в дітей

  • After 6 months of observation, the trace elements were different from the original ones: calcium was 27% lower, and the level of phosphorus was lower comparing to the baseline by 15%

  • Плануємо продовжити вивчення біохімічного складу ротової рідини за використання ортодонтичної апаратури в дітей

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Уся світова система охорони здоров’я взагалі й стоматологія зокрема приділяють усе більше уваги боротьбі зі стоматологічними хворобами, в тому числі зі щелепно-лицьовими аномаліями (ЩЛА) [9; 14; 1719]. Недостатня обізнаність щодо досягнень ортодонтії та суміжних наук часто призводить у практичній діяльності до використання застарілих, малоефективних методів лікування, до неправильного технічного виготовлення нових конструкцій ортодонтичних апаратів і помилок у клінічному нагляді за ортодонтичними пацієнтами. Мало уваги приділяється плануванню ортодонтичної допомоги в лікуванні дітей, схильних до карієсу, захворюванням пародонта, які виникають під час ортодонтичного лікування, значенню поганого стану гігієни порожнини рота до початку і під час надання стоматологічної допомоги [11,12,13; 15]. Не враховується преморбідний рівень цих показників, не приділяється достатньо уваги динамічним змінам маркерів реактивності ротової порожнини під час лікування. У практичній діяльності лікарів-ортодонтів не надається достатньо уваги використанню біохімічних маркерів розвитку карієсу, гінгівіту, періодонтиту в пацієнтів, яким надається ортодонтична допомога. Мета дослідження – вивчити реактивність біохімічного складу ротової рідини за використання незнімної та знімної ортодонтичної апаратури в дітей

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