
In the present era, many diseases are occurring due to faulty dietary habits i.e. excessive or less diet intake. Consid- ering these conditions, Matravat Ahar (proper quantity of diet) is important in the case history of particular Vyadhi (disease). Ayurved suggests taking matravat ahar. Ahar Matra (quantity of diet) depends on Jatharagni Bala, that’s why it varies from person to person. Ahar Matra is of two types i.e. Samyak Matra (appropriate quantity) and Amatra (inappropriate), in which Amatra causes various diseases. Again, Amatra is of two types i.e. Heen Matra (deficient quantity) and Atimatra (excessive quantity). Heen Matra is the main cause of Vata Vikara (diseases of vata dosha) and Atimatra particularly causes Aampradoshaj Vikar (diseases due to aama). So detailed study of Ahar Matra is important while taking the case history of the patient. So that this attempt has been made to find out the concept of Samyak Ahar Matra explained in Ayurveda w.s.r. to Jatharagni (digestive fire) and its importance in the case history. Keywords: Matravat Ahar, Samyak Matra, Amatra, Heen Matra, Atimatra Jatharagni Bala, Aampradoshaj Vikar

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