
The objectives of this research was to find out the students’ perception toward Hypnotic Language Patterns (HLP) used by the lecturer in English classroom. This research was qualitative research and it applied purposive sampling technique. The participants were 2 English lecturers and the second semester students of Informatics Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Computer Engineering, Cokroaminoto Palopo University. The instruments of the research were observation and interview. Then the data collected were transcribed to analyze by using Miles and Huberman model. The researcher also conducted interview to the lecturers and the students to gain the relevant data. The results of the research showed about the students’ perception. The students perceive that Hypnotic Language Patterns are very useful in teaching and learning process in English classroom because by using Hypnotic Language Patterns, the lecturers could organize and build up communication with students as well as make their students motivated, enjoyable and comfortable. So, the students paid more attention to the material explained by the lecturers during teaching and learning process.

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