
The results of research on the control of bitterness creeping in the link of crop rotation pure steam – winter wheat by mechanical means are presented. To do this, we used a deep three-tiered soil reclamation treatment with the help of an innovative modular working body "Rancho", on which 6 flat-cutting blades are installed instead of the blade. This treatment with a chisel tool allows for simultaneous continuous pruning of the roots of creeper mustard at a depth of 35-40 cm to grind them in the arable horizon to the size of 10-15 cm. in the research, seven variants of different systems of basic processing and spring-summer care for clean steam were studied. The types used were black with autumn main processing, and early with spring main processing, steam. The smallest amount and air-dry weight of creeper bittern in winter wheat crops on sites was observed in variants with autumn treatment with a rack “Rancho” at 0.40 m + spring-summer care for black steam in the form of cultivations with pointed paws and additional treatment with a rack “Rancho” at 0.40 m in early June. The highest yield of winter wheat, respectively, was also observed in this variant.

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