
Partially premixed flames are formed by mixing air (in less than stoichiometric amounts) into the fuel stream prior to the reaction zone, where additional air is available for complete combustion. Such flames can occur in both laboratory and practical combustion systems. In advanced gas turbine combustor designs, such as a lean direct injection (LDI) combustor, partially premixed combustion represents an impotent mode of burning. Spray combustion often involves partially premixed combustion due to the locally fuel vapor-rich regions. In the present study, the detailed structure of n-heptane/air partially premixed flame in a counterflow configuration is investigated. The flame is computed by employing the Oppdif code and a detailed reaction mechanism consisting of 275 elementary reactions and 41 species. The partially premixed flame structure is characterized by two-stage burning or two distinct but synergistically coupled reaction zones, a rich premixed zone on the fuel side and a ‘nonpremixed zone on the air side. The fuel is completely consumed in the premixed zone with ethylene and acetylene being the major intermediate species. The reactions involving the consumption of these species are found to be the key rate-limiting reactions that characterize interactions between the two reaction zones, and determine the overall fuel consumption rate. The flame response to the variations in equivalence ratio and strain rate is examined. Increasing equivalence ratio and/or strain rate to a critical value leads to merging of the two reaction zones. The equivalence ratio variation affects the rich premixed reaction zone, while the variation in strain rate predominantly affects the nonpremixed reaction zone. The flame structure is also characterized in terms of a modified mixture fraction (conserved scalar), and laminar flamelet profiles are provided.

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