
This description of the Turkish lexical project reports some initial findings on the structure of Turkish personality-related variables. In addition, it provides evidence on the effects of target evaluative homogeneity vs. heterogeneity (e.g., samples of well-liked target individuals vs. samples of both liked and disliked targets) on the resulting factor structures, and thus it provides a first test of the conclusions reached by D. Peabody and L. R. Goldberg (1989) using English trait terms. In 2 separate studies, and in 2 types of data sets, clear versions of the Big Five factor structure were found. And both studies replicated and extended the findings of Peabody and Goldberg; virtually orthogonal factors of relatively equal size were found in the homogeneous samples, and a more highly correlated set of factors with relatively large Agreeableness and Conscientiousness dimensions was found in the heterogeneous samples.

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