
The all-loop resummation of SU(N) gauge theory amplitudes is known to factorize into an IR-divergent (soft and collinear) factor and a finite (hard) piece. The divergent factor is universal, whereas the hard function is a process-dependent quantity.We prove that this factorization persists for the corresponding celestial amplitudes. Moreover, the soft/collinear factor becomes a scalar correlator of the product of renormalized Wilson lines defined in terms of celestial data. Their effect on the hard amplitude is a shift in the scaling dimensions by an infinite amount, proportional to the cusp anomalous dimension. This leads us to conclude that the celestial-IR-safe gluon amplitude corresponds to a expectation value of operators dressed with Wilson line primaries. These results hold for finite N.In the large N limit, we show that the soft/collinear correlator can be described in terms of vertex operators in a Coulomb gas of colored scalar primaries with nearest neighbor interactions. In the particular cases of four and five gluons in planar mathcal{N} = 4 SYM theory, where the hard factor is known to exponentiate, we establish that the Mellin transform converges in the UV thanks to the fact that the cusp anomalous dimension is a positive quantity. In other words, the very existence of the full celestial amplitude is owed to the positivity of the cusp anomalous dimension.


  • In the large N limit, we show that the soft/collinear correlator can be described in terms of vertex operators in a Coulomb gas of colored scalar primaries with nearest neighbor interactions

  • We prove that this factorization persists for the corresponding celestial amplitudes

  • In the particular cases of four and five gluons in planar N = 4 SU(N ) Yang-Mills theory (SYM) theory, where the hard factor is known to exponentiate, we establish that the Mellin transform converges in the UV thanks to the fact that the cusp anomalous dimension is a positive quantity

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Review of the BDS Ansatz

SU(N ) Yang-Mills theory (SYM), for maximal helicity violation (MHV) The expression above helps us disentangle the color structure (given by the trace factors) from the dynamical content This property can be used to examine the kinematics of the all-loop planar gluon amplitude with a specific color ordering. Where Atree is the color-ordered MHV tree-level amplitude [75] containing all the polarization-dependent information, while the exponential factor carries the full infrareddivergent structure as well as a finite contribution. G(l), consisting in the l-loop contributions to the cusp and collinear anomalous dimensions respectively, i.e., γ(a) = alγ(l) , G(a) = alG(l) These quantities arise as coefficients in the renormalization group equations for certain observables, such as Wilson loops and form factors. These operators will become a crucial ingredient when extracting the infrared-safe information from (2.4) and translating it to the celestial sphere

IR divergences in celestial n-point correlators
BDS celestial amplitude
Divergent part as a conformal correlator
Finite part: the UV and the positivity of the cusp anomalous dimension
Four gluons
Five gluons
Infrared divergences in gluon amplitudes
Infrared divergences as a correlator of Wilson lines
Celestial gluon amplitudes
Large N contributions
Final remarks
A Four-point celestial BDS formula
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