
Individuals with eating disorders (EDs) often present with somatic concerns in treatment, such as bloating, fullness, and feeling tight clothes on skin. However, most research generally focuses on general interoception (e.g., heartbeat) rather than sensations relevant to EDs (e.g., sensations related to the gastrointestinal system or body movement). In the current study (N = 181), we used network analysis to model the structure of ED symptoms and somatic concerns among individuals with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and other specified feeding and eating disorder. Results showed that heightened sensitivity to somatic concerns had the highest strength centrality within a symptom network comprising ED and somatic symptoms. Exploratory graph analysis identified four symptom dimensions: cognitive-affective ED symptoms, behavioral ED symptoms, general interoception, and ED-specific proprioception. Findings suggest that heightened sensitivity to somatic concerns may maintain ED symptoms and mutually reinforce other somatic concerns. Implications concerning assessment and treatment of EDs are discussed.

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