
Multidimensional time-dependent numerical simulations have been used to study the initiation, propagation, and extinction of detonations in gases and liquids. The simulations, which calculate the detailed behavior of the interacting shock waves and reaction zones forming the detonation wave, are used to study the evolution of the instability that leads to the cellular structure of detonations. The simulations consist of two-dimensional time-dependent solutions of the convection of mass density, momentum density and energy coupled to models for chemical energy release. The convective transport equations are solved by the Flux-Corrected Transport algorithm. The chemical reactions and energy release are usually modelled by the two-step induction parameter model. We conclude that the behavior of the multidimensional structure of a detonation depends on the differences of the thermodynamic properties in the inductiori zones behind the Mach stem and the incident shock. The formation of unreacted pockets behind the detonation front depends on the inclination of the transverse waves and the curvature of the shock fronts. Highly curved fronts may result in large pockets. The temperature dependence of the induction time is a major factor in the regularity of detonation structure. Detonation structure is affected by the energy release parameters. Instantaneous energy release leads to one-dimensional structures. Fast energy release results in less regular structures. Very slow energy release results in large pockets, highly curved fronts, and the detonation may die out. Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphyscol:1987406

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