
The authors studied the structure and diversity of retinal ganglion cells (GC) in the masked greenling Hexagrammos octogrammus. In vivo labelling with horseradish peroxidase revealed GCs of various structures in retinal wholemounts. A total of 154 cells were camera lucida drawn, and their digital models were generated. Each cell was characterized by 17 structural and topological parameters. Using nine clustering algorithms, a variety of clusterings were obtained. The optimum clustering was found using silhouette analysis. It was based on a set of three variables associated with dendritic field size and dendrite stratification depth in the retina. A total of nine cell types were discovered. A number of non-parametric tests showed significant pair-wise between-cluster differences in at least four parameters with medium and large effect sizes. Three large-field types differed mainly in dendritic field size, total dendrite length, level of dendrite stratification in the retina and position of somata. Six medium- to small-field types differed mainly in the structural complexity of dendritic arbors and level of dendrite arborization. Cells similar and obviously homologous to types 1-4 were identified in many fish species, including teleosts. Potential homologues of type 5 cells were identified in fewer teleost species. Cells similar to types 6-9 in relative dendritic field size and dendrite arborization pattern were also described in several teleostean species. Nonetheless, their homology is more questionable as their stratification patterns do not match so well as they do in large types. Potential functional matches of the GC types were identified in a number of teleostean species. Type 1 and 2 cells probably match spontaneously active units with the large receptive field centre, so-called dimming and lightening detectors; type 4 may be a counterpart of changing contrast detectors with medium receptive field centre size preferring fast-moving stimuli. Type 3 (biplexiform) cells have no obvious functional matches. Probable functional matches of types 6, 8 and 9 belong to ON-centre elements with small receptive fields such as ON-type direction-selective cells, ON-type spot detectors or ON-type spontaneously active units. Type 5 and 7 cells may match ON-OFF type units, in particular, changing contrast detectors or orientation-selective units. Potential functional matches of GC types presently described are involved in a wide spectrum of visual reactions related to adaptation to gradual change in illumination, predator escape, prey detection and capture, habitat selection and social behaviour.

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