
AbstractWe studied the structure of the H2O super maser region in Orion with VLBI angular resolution of 0.1 mas or 0.05 AU. The maser emission (F ∼ 8 MJy) was determined by highly organized structure: accretion disk, bipolar outflow, torus and surrounding shell. The accretion disk, divided into protoplanetary rings, is viewed edge-on. The disk rotates as a rigid body with velocities V ∼ ΩR and the rotation period is ∼ 170 yrs. The highly collimated bipolar outflow has a size of 9×0.7 AU, a velocity of ∼ 10 km/s. In the center a bright compact (≤0.05 AU) source – ejector is located, surrounded by a torus 0.6 AU in diameter. The outflow has a helix structure, which is determined by precession with a period of T ∼ 10 yrs. Comet-like bullets were observed on distances up to 80 AU.

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