
The FT-IR study of iron concentration effect on the xFe 2O 3·(1 − x)[2P 2O 5PbO] glass system with 0 ≤ x ≤ 50 mol% has revealed the dual role of Fe 2O 3 both as network modifier and former. The addition of iron oxide leads to more P O bond breakage and the formation of the P–O–Fe bonds. We concluded that at high content of Fe 2O 3 it acts in the structure of glasses as a network former. The presence of the Fe–O–P bonds for higher content of iron oxide in this glass system is consistent with the improving of their chemical durability. The appearance of these types of bonds and others structural units for Fe 2O 3–P 2O 5–PbO glasses are investigated by FT-IR spectroscopy.

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