
Abstract Idealized large-eddy simulation (LES) is a basic tool for studying three-dimensional turbulence in the planetary boundary layer. LES is capable of providing benchmark solutions for parameterization development efforts. However, real small-scale atmospheric flows develop in heterogeneous and transient environments with locally varying vertical motions inherent to open multiscale interactive dynamical systems. These variations are often too subtle to detect them by state-of-the-art remote and in situ measurements, and are typically excluded from idealized simulations. The present study addresses the impact of weak [i.e., O(10−6) s−1] short-lived low-level large-scale convergence/divergence perturbations on continental shallow convection. The results show a strong response of shallow nonprecipitating convection to the applied weak large-scale dynamical forcing. Evolutions of CAPE, mean liquid water path, and cloud-top heights are significantly affected by the imposed convergence/divergence. In contrast, evolving cloud-base properties, such as the area coverage and mass flux, are only weakly affected. To contrast those impacts with microphysical sensitivity, the baseline simulations are perturbed assuming different observationally based cloud droplet number concentrations and thus different rainfall. For the tested range of microphysical perturbations, the imposed convergence/divergence provides significantly larger impact than changes in the cloud microphysics. Simulation results presented here provide a stringent test for convection parameterizations, especially important for large-scale models progressing toward resolving some nonhydrostatic effects.

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