
The stringent response exerted by (p)ppGpp and RNA-polymerase binding protein DksA regulates gene expression in diverse bacterial species. To control gene expression (p)ppGpp, synthesized by enzymes RelA and SpoT, interacts with two sites within the RNA polymerase; site 1, located in the interphase between subunits β' and ω (rpoZ), and site 2 located in the secondary channel that is dependent on DksA protein. In Escherichia coli, inactivation of dksA results in a reduced sigma factor RpoS expression. In Azotobacter vinelandii the synthesis of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) is under RpoS regulation. In this study, we found that the inactivation of relA or dksA, but not rpoZ, resulted in a negative effect on PHB synthesis. We also found that the dksA, but not the relA mutation reduced both rpoS transcription and RpoS protein levels, implying that (p)ppGpp and DksA control PHB synthesis through different mechanisms. Interestingly, despite expressing rpoS from a constitutive promoter in the dksA mutant, PHB synthesis was not restored to wild type levels. A transcriptomic analysis in the dksA mutant, revealed downregulation of genes encoding enzymes needed for the synthesis of acetyl-CoA, the precursor substrate for PHB synthesis. Together, these data indicate that DksA is required for optimal expression of RpoS which in turn activates transcription of genes for PHB synthesis. Additionally, DksA is required for optimal transcription of genes responsible for the synthesis of precursors for PHB synthesis.

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