
Problem statement: Libraries have not played an optimal role in supporting Scholarly communication in a university. Purpose: This study aims to analyze the strengthening of the role and function of libraries in supporting Scholarly communication at IAIN Curup. Method: This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection was carried out by means of interviews, documentation and surveys. Result: The results of this study indicate that there are several efforts to strengthen the role and function of libraries including 1) optimizing user education and information literacy activities by adding facilities for these activities; 2) conducting online research skills training for the IAIN Curup academic community; 3) providing e-resources; 4) conducting routine focus group discussions and book reviews. Strengthening the traditional role includes adding to collect quantity and quality, disseminate information, and preserve. Strengthening the role of university libraries in a broader way is through information literacy programs, the materials of which are packaged, expanded and harmonized with the dynamics and scope of Scholarly communication. Conclusion: A library is an integral part of a university, therefore its existence must be strengthened. This strengthening can be done from all aspects, including facilities, human resources, and others.
 Keywords: library; scholarly communication; IAIN Curup 
 Permasalahan: Perpustakaan selama ini belum berperan secara optimal dalam mendukung komunikasi ilmiah pada suatu perguruan tinggi. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penguatan peran dan fungsi perpustakaan dalam mendukung komunikasi ilmiah di IAIN Curup. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara, dokumentasi dan survey. Hasil: Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada beberapa upaya penguatan peran dan fungsi perpustakaan meliputi: 1) optimalisasi kegiatan user education dan literasi informasi dengan menambah fasilitas untuk kegiatan tersebut; 2) mengadakan pelatihan online research skill bagi sivitas akademika IAIN Curup; 3) menyediakan e-resources; 4) rutin melakukan kegiatan focus group discussion dan bedah buku. Penguatan peran tradisional meliputi penambahan collect secara kuantitas dan kualitas, disseminate informasi, dan preserve. Penguatan peran perpustakaan perguruan tinggisecara lebih luas adalah melaui program-program information literacy, yang materi-materinya dikemas, diperluas dan diselaraskan dengan dinamika dan ruang-lingkup komunikasi ilmiah. Kesimpulan: Perpustakaan merupakan bagian integral dari suatu perguruan tinggi, oleh karena itu keberadaannya harus diperkuat. Penguatan tersebut bisa dilakukan dari segala segi, baik sarana prasarana, sumber daya manusia, dan lain-lain.
 Kata kunci: perpustakaan; komunikasi ilmiah; IAIN Curup

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